Caring for depression: what matters to you?

Help us to improve research on the treatments of depression !

We invite you to participate in PROCEED, an international scientific survey with the goal to identify your expectations for treatments of depression.

You are eligible if :

  • you are over 18 years old AND
  • you suffered or you are currently suffering from an episode of depression OR
  • you are an informal caregiver, that is to say a family member or a friend of someone who has suffered or is suffering from depression OR
  • you are a healthcare practitioner working with of depressed patients (for instance : psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse, general practitioner/family doctor, etc)

PROCEED is a participative research project involving patients at each step of the research process: please anwser the anonymous questionnaire and share it with others.

The more participants will be included, the more we will be able to make things change in the improvement of treatment for depression..

To make your voice count, we invite you to anwser ONCE the APPROPRIATE questionnaire below. It will take less than 10 minutes

Your participation in the study is voluntary. Participation will not impact your medical care. You can choose to cease your participation at any moment, without justification. At the end of the questionnaire you will have the possibility to give your e-mail address if you want to be aware of the results of the study AND/OR to be recontacted in order to participate to the following steps of the study. Your e-mail will be stocked in one database unlinked with the database with your responses to the questionnaire in order to preserve its anonymity. Data are anonymous and stored on a non shared secure server of a private host. IP address is not tracked. Data will be used only by researchers of the team to answer the questions of the PROCEED study. The results of the study will be published in a scientific journal and communicated via scientific conferences. Astrid Chevance is the Principal Investigator of the study. She is a PhD student in Public Health at the Paris-Descartes University working in the METHODS team of the Center for research in epidemiology and statistics. The protocol of the study has approved by the the CEEI/IRB (IRB00003888) on the 15th of May 2018 (Paris, France). We declared the study to the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL).

Please complete only one questionnaire.

Download the participant note

Thanks for your participation in PROCEED. We published the results in The Lancet Psychiatry in July 2020. You can access the abstract in this document

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