Caring about depression: what matters to you?

PROCEED is an international scientific survey, the purpose of which is to identify the expectations of treatments of:

  • people suffering from depression
  • their informal caregivers
  • healthcare professionals

Why is the survey useful ?

There is very limited scientific knowledge about the expectations of patients for their treatment for depression.

Identifying these expectations is a first step to :

  • improving the evalutation of current treatments
  • developing new treatment for depression
  • improving shared decision making about treatment choice between patients and clinicians

This survey is an opportunity to make your voice count !

PROCEED is a participative research project

We are convinced that in clinical effectiveness research, meaning it is focused on the assessment of risk and benefits of the treatments, patients can actively be involved at each step of the research project. Living with a disease confers valuable experiential knowledge. This knowledge is not a substitute for the scientific knowledge, but it can feed into it. Our role as researchers is to methodically collect this experiential knowledge in order to convert it into scientific data. We want to do the same with the experience of informal caregivers that support people living with depression. Concerning healthcare professionals, they have developed in the course of their work a useful clinical experience , that is also underutilized in clinical effectiveness research.

In PROCEED, patients, healthcare professional and researchers collaborate at each step of the research project (scientific advisory board, questionnaire development, interpretation of data)

It is your turn to participate in research on treatment by taking a few moments of your time to answer the questionnaire !

By sharing the questionnaire among your friends, family, collegues, social network, etc., you allow for a greater number of participants to be involved and therefore enhance the impact of the study on clinical effeciveness research.

Course of the study

The study relies on 3 different questionnaires: one for people that suffered or are currently suffering from depression, one for their informal caregivers (friends, family members, etc.) and one for the healthcare professionals.

The questions are about your personal experience of depression and your expectations toward the treatments of depression. We are interested in your personal opinion coming from your experience, whatever it was/is. Some questions are "close-ended" (you have to tick boxes) while others are "open-ended". For the latter it is possible to express your mind: you can write sentences or whatever words you wish to report your ideas. Don't hesitate you share your opinion !

It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

To answer the questionnaire, please click here.

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References :

  1. Cuijpers P. The patient perspective in research on major depression. BMC Psychiatry 2011;11:89. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-11-89
  2. Gabriel SE, Normand S-LT. Getting the Methods Right — The Foundation of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. N Engl J Med 2012;367:787–90. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1207437
  3. Laine C, Davidoff F. Patient-centered medicine. A professional evolution. JAMA 1996;275:152–6.
  4. Pardo-Hernandez H, Alonso-Coello P. Patient-important outcomes in decision-making: a point of no return. J Clin Epidemiol 2017;88:4–6. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.05.014
  5. Richards T, Montori VM, Godlee F, et al. Let the patient revolution begin. BMJ 2013;346:f2614.