Antidepressants: Which side effects are the least tolerated?
Antidepressants are used in the treatment of depression. Like most medication they may have side effects.
As there are many types of antidepressants, and as patients with depression are distinct individuals, around 30 different side effects have been reported as the most common side effects from such medications.
The objective of this study is to identify, among the most common side effects, which ones are the least tolerated (the most troublesome/impairing) by patients.
Of course, there are important side effects that are rare or less common (such as suicidality, withdrawal symptoms, numbness, etc) and we will include all of these side effects in our analysis (we haven’t asked people to rank these as they are so important that we decided a priori to include them in the final list of side events).
The purpose of this survey is only to rank the most common side effects, as an addition to the most serious.
To help researchers establish which side effects are important to patients we ask that you please participate in this survey, which has been designed and developed by an international team of researchers, clinicians and people with lived experience of depression (including patients, carers and patients’ relatives). .
You can participate if:
- you are over 18 AND
- you were/are currently taking antidepressants for depression OR
- you are an antidepressant prescriber (e.g., psychiatrist, GP, prescribing nurse or pharmacist)
This is a participative research project: please answer the anonymous questionnaire and share it with others.
All information and answers to the questionnaire are anonymous and will be used only for this research project. All the de-identified data will be stored in a secure repository and destroyed at the end of this project.
To make your voice heard, please answer only ONCE the APPROPRIATE questionnaire below. It takes less than 10 minutes
Please complete only one questionnaire.

The study is now closed and we are analysing the data. We thank all of the participants who completed the survey. We aim to publish the results shortly